LinkVana Article 2
My own discovery of Linkvana was very much by chance. When I came across Linkvana from internet marketing guru Dave Kelly, I was skeptical. This link building program was being sold as a service that uses only quality one-way links to deliver web sites to the top of search engines.

Frankly, it made me nervous. Would I be willing to possibly sacrifice one or several of my solid but struggling websites to the Google Sandbox? By using this strategy, would my web sites be viewed upon negatively by Google or any other search engines? These questions lead me to research Linkvana and ultimately subscribe to it.

Let me back up for a moment and mention that when I started with Linkvana, I had a handful of websites selling various affiliate products, as well as my own goods and services.

Theses websites were all optimized by me personally and they were of course built around keywords that I very well researched. The sites did appear in search engines, and went to okay positions, but not anywhere where I needed them to be, namely at the top search results. This of course meant that my web site traffic was not hitting the numbers that I would of liked.

My Linkvana research helped me to conclude that these high rankings are truly achieved by optimization that happens not so much on the page, but rather off page in the form of links. Quality links and lots of them.

The problems with just going out and getting links are numerous. Many types of links are viewed as junk, many web linking schemes are just that, schemes that search engines sniff out and extinguish, taking even great quality web sites with them.

Linkvana is truly a brand new approach to the world of high quality one way links to your site. The process that it uses relies upon honest to goodness highly ranked and well aged blogs and an automated service that could not be easier.

The Linkvana links are also not just links, but links embedded in quality content related to your websites. This content is dispersed out to a massive network of Linkvana affiliated blogs. The link popularity that this creates takes simple but well optimized web sites to all new heights, the top of the search engine results.

At this point in time I have used Linkvana for less than 60 days, but my results are actually and incredibly typical, here is one example: I have a Weight Loss focused website that is also less than 60 days old, and while Google has almost 16 million pages related to my keyword, I am on Page Two of the search results, heading toward Page One. My quoted results for this popular term are at Number One in Google. On MSN, I am Number One with quotes and without!

This is just one of my sites that I use on the Linkvana service for. The more sites you have the better, since the monthly subscription may be considered high for some beginning internet marketers. So the more web sites you have, the better.

Linkvana is only opened and available to 300 subscribers. After that number is reached, the service is closed to new accounts. It is easily the most powerful SEO tool that can be had. If you can afford it, definitely explore it.